

As brought out above , ‘Anugraha Drishtidaan’ being NGO works on ‘ no profit, no loss’ basis and all donations / contributions are exempted from Income Tax under section 80  G of Income Tax Act. ‘Anugraha Drishtidaan’ was created only with social welfare consideration and for the well being of people to achieve the objective as set out in the Memorandum.

Eye care is vital for healthy living and result could be measured almost immediately. Our efforts and financial support from individuals, companies, corporate  etc. have brought light in the lives of thousands of people suffering from eye-problems

In order to pursue our mission of avoidable blindness and reach out to the remotest places in the country-side, we request the following contribution/donations:


One of the guiding principles of any successful company is based on Corporate Ethics reflected in its Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility. The new paradigm of CSR shifted from Philanthropy to Stakeholder participation. CSR has been defined as operating a business in a manner which meets or excels the ethical, legal, commercial and public expectations that a society has from business Thus the concept and practice of CSR has seen a fundamental transformation from charity oriented /philanthropic approach to the stakeholder in the community whose well being is integral to the long term success of the company.

We organize "Eye Screening & Cataract operation Camps" on behalf of the organization with a view to give the maximum advantage through media and press on one hand and also provide benefit to the public in the vicinity of their operation covering a population of 15000-20,000. Methodology for organizing camps has been brought out in  In a camp which generally has OPD of 500-600, we provide medicines, spectacles to persons with low vision and arrange cataract operations in a reputed hospital / nursing home with Senior Ophthalmologist. In a camp, we get about 50-60 patients suffering from cataract and we distribute spectacles and medicines to about 250 patients suffering from low- vision.

Become our Patrons/Members/Care Giver
We request you to kindly help a few helpless persons living in darkness and become our valued Patron/Life Member/Annual Member/Donor/well wisher and fill up the enclosed form. The Cheque / Demand Draft, drawn in the name of "Anugraha Drishtidaan", payable at New Delhi may kindly be sent at the above address. We shall be happy to welcome you at any of our camps.

Kindly provide the details for donation

Sum of Money

Patron of Anugraha Drishtidaan Rs.1,25,000/-
Life Member of Anugraha Drishtidaan Rs.25,000/- (SEED FUND)
1 Patient Rs. 3000/-
Rs 30,000/-
1 Patient Rs. 3000/-
Rs 45,000/-
SPECTACLES @Rs200/- for 50 persons Rs 10,000/-
MEDICINES @ Rs 100/- for 50 persons - Rs 5,000/-

Use UPI Payment by scanning the above QR Code

or you can deposit our banks:

(Donations to Anugraha Drishtidaan are eligible for tax relief under section 8OG of Income Tax Act. Anugraha Drishtidaan is also registered under Foreign contribution (Regulation) Act 1976 )


" Cheque/DD should be in favor of Anugraha Drishtidaan"

Our Banker  

Account Number   00321450000368



Please drop your cheque/DD in our account and send us the information by filling the form given below for further reference.

We once again approach you to seek your support, encouragement and good-wishes for Anugraha Drishtidaan's ongoing cataract operations campaign aimed at restoring Drishti (eye-sight) through cataract operations of elderly poor in different parts of the country. It may be mentioned that Anugraha Drishtidaan, during last 13 years and below are the brief description of our organization which exists to serve poor and needy in Eye Care Sector.


  • Publicity for organizing eye screening camps
  • Transportation of patients to hospital and back.
  • Boarding & Lodging (2 / 3 days)
  • Operation (Phaco/SICS)  and operation related expenses including medicines
  • Honorarium to eye-surgeons, paramedical staff, volunteers, staff etc.
  • Distribution of spectacles/dark glasses
  • Medicines for eye patients not requiring operation


We enclose Brochure and other details for your perusal. We request you to kindly help a few helpless persons living in darkness and become our valued Patron/Life Member/Annual Member/Donor/well wisher and fill up the enclosed form. The Cheque / Demand Draft, drawn in the name of "Anugraha Drishtidaan", payable at New Delhi.    We shall be happy to welcome you at any of our camps.

Term and Conditions:

1. This is not refundable
2. Donation to Anugraha, registered as a Society under the Societies Registration Act,
     are eligible for Tax relief Section 80 G of Income tax Act.