Future Plans

Future Plans

Our future plans and activities include providing free of cost services such as: 

  • Organizing about 50 Eye Screening and Cataract Operation camps each year.
  • Focus will be to outreach poor and needy people living in backward, slum areas and Tribal people.
  • Screening about 20000 patients to detect eye related ailments every year.
  • To provide medicines to about 10000 patients suffering from eye problems.
  • To provide spectacles to about 7500 patients suffering from low-vision.
  • To conduct cataract operations of about 5000 patients.
  • To create Vision Centres and open an eye bank to cater services to needy and poor persons.
  • To create awareness of eye care and treatment by involving Community, Corporate sector, Individuals and other Social Welfare organizations.
  • Charitable Eye hospital under conruction for eye care facilities to under priviledged.
  • Target is to provide training to about 100 girls in tailoring.